Writing Resources
Academic writing may seem like an easy path to navigate from a distance but on closer inspection, most are left bewildered by the various paths that need to be traversed in order to string together the separate parts of an essay or a thesis in a coherent whole. To aid you in this process, the Writing Centre has put together some resources for you to peruse at your leisure.
If you require further assistance, please make a booking and we would be happy to lend a helping hand.

Getting Started
Plan and Organize
task analysis
essay structure
The Writing Process
Planning the Essay
Using sources
Writing the essay
Grammar, Editing and Formatting
Research and Writing

Use this general outline to help structure and write your research proposal

Use this guide to help plan and structure your literature review

Daily Grammar deals mainly with grammatical rules and usage. A good site, as it offers interactive exercises and experiments with language.

HyperGrammar from the University of Ottawa, looks at the micro-level of writing detailing parts of speech, sentence building, phrases, paragraphs and other aspects of grammar.

This is a concise guide to some of the most commonly violated rules of writing, grammar and punctuation. It aids in the learning and refining of writing. The links to "Elements of Style", at the bottom of each rule, does not work, but the website is still useful.

The Faculty of Health Sciences has a satellite writing centre offering specialised support on the Groote Schuur campus. This links to their resources page. Their resources are useful for anyone writing in a science discipline.