Often poor writing is a result of poor understanding of the task, the concepts involved, or the form the writing should take. Writing thus plays a central role in constructing understanding, and is a mode of learning integral to student development. Current work in the field of writing pedagogy suggests that significant improvement in student writing happens best as a result of one-to-one consultation, and over a sustained period of time. Although we do not have the resources to offer such a service for all students at UCT, the Writing Centre uses its one-to-one service as a way of understanding the learning difficulties faced by those students it can accommodate.
The Writing Centre is staffed by part-time post-graduate students from a range of disciplines who have undergone intensive training.
The service maintains a policy of voluntary usage. This means that students may be referred to the Writing Centre, but are not compelled to make use of it.
The philosophy of the student consultancy is that all students can improve their writing, whether they are highly experienced academic writers or complete novices.

We offer both one-on-one and group consultations to both students and staff at any stage of the writing process. Whether it is just to chat about task analysis or work on a draft of your writing, we can assist you.
The consultations are designed to be learning experiences, not an editing service.
It is preferred that students make appointments to see consultants to ensure that they will be assisted.
All bookings need to be made via our online booking system. Please supply the email address you use most often.
Online consultations via Zoom or MS Teams are ONLY for students that are not on UCT Upper Campus.
Email consultations can be arranged under extenuating circumstances. Please contact our administrator.
For a task analysis (unpacking the question), you only need to book a 30 minute consultation.
For any document less than 7 pages (Times New Roman 12 pt, 1.5 spacing), book a 1 hour consultation.
For any document which is more than 7 pages (Times New Roman 12 pt, 1.5 spacing), book a 2 hour consultation. Your consultant will spend the first hour reading your document. You will need to arrive at the start of the second hour to discuss feedback.
The maximum length of a draft you submit for review is 15 pages.
Your chosen consultant will email you with information about the session. You MUST confirm your appointment by replying to this email.
You MUST upload your document onto the system by 9:00 on the day of your appointment.
When booking your appointment please provide us with as much information as possible.
For more information regarding appointments see the FAQs
In order to get the most out of a consultation, we advise students to set a rough agenda. Students can do this by bringing assignment-specific information provided by their departments, such as assignment topics and requirements and guidelines for writing, to the consultation and marking unclear sections of a written draft that can be discussed during the consultation.
Students can visit us at any stage of the writing process, but are encouraged to come as early as possible. The Writing Centre can assist with:
identifying the requirements of an assignment
understanding how to use readings
sorting out ideas
planning, organising and structuring assignments
clarifying grammar, spelling and referencing
revising drafts
The Writing Centre and the Language Development Group work with teaching staff in academic departments so as to make writing instruction an explicit, integrated component of course curricula. We see opportunities to work with academic teaching staff as crucial to the overall success of the project. So far the Writing Centre has collaborated with academic departments in the following:
feedback to the department from student consultations about the difficulties students experienced with particular assignments, and suggestions for tackling these difficulties
curriculum development initiatives
improved task design and assessment procedures for assignments
development of innovative forms of student writing to suit particular needs in a discipline
design and delivery of writing workshops for students
Workshops are by request ONLY. If you feel that your division, research group, department could benefit from our writing workshops or writers' circles, please discuss with your course convenor or supervisor and ask them to complete our workshop request form here. Our administrator will then follow-up on your request and arrange a meeting for further discussion.
The Writing Centre feeds into Language Development Research around issues of student writing; curriculum development; assessment; and the enhancement of higher education processes. A list of our published works can be found HERE.

Professional and helpful.
The consultant guided me through the document and suggested changes without imposing

The session gave me confidence and made me excited to write

The consultant was helpful in highlighting my strengths and weaknesses and gave guidelines on how I can improve my writing