Many wonderful people have worked at the Writing Centre over the years. This is page for remembering them and the things we do.
Wednesday Training sessions 2022
Every Wednesday we meet to for our ongoing training sessions. Sometimes a consultant will lead a session and other times we have the privilege of engaging with experts from various departments and disciplines. These sessions allow us to share our experiences, discuss our work, and share learning.
UCDP multiliteracies JOint workshop 2022
On 30 March 2022 we had a joint training workshop with the tutors and consultants from the Numeracy Centre, the Law Writing Centre, the Health Sciences Writing Lab and the Multilingualism Education Project. It was a good to interact and share resources with other departments whose work is so closely related to ours. This type of training helps to enrich our understanding of multiliteracy and keep its principles fresh in our minds, which in turn allows us to better assist clients at the Writing Centre.
Mont Fleur Writers retreat Nov 2021
We jumped at the chance to gather in person and end off the year in style at the Mont Fleur Conference Venue near Stellenbosch. Consultants could use the time to focus on their own research in the relaxed atmosphere that arises when meals are taken care of! Fortuitously, many of the new consultants for 2022 could join us.
MOnte Belo Meetings 2021
COVID lockdown meant that most meetings happen online, as did all our consultations. We made a point of regularly gathering in person at Monte Belo Picnic Café and Deli so that the team can get to know each other better.